HOA Website Host In California
More Behavior and Attitude Problems? The November [2004] edition of the HOA newsletter opens with the pathetic query, “Where have all the members gone”? The body of the letter offers some possibilities as to why the HOA finds itself in a death spiral. The President hit the nail on the head with “Maybe you are not happy with the current administration and their policies and actions”. She is correct. When the HOA was co-opted several years back by the pro-incorporation gang most of its credibility was destroyed. What little respect remained has been steadily ruined by the leadership’s lack of adherence to Florida Statute 617 (not for profit corporation laws), breaking of their own by-laws and their use of bully tactics. Several paragraphs later the letter finishes with President Dezendorf’s stern threat, “If we can’t discuss things like adults, then I will adjourn the meeting”. In other words, it will be my way or nothing. Typical tactical tyranny. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX On to another issue: The HOA has had a “Preferred Customer Program” in effect for some time. To help keep commerce local, they have procured member discounts at numerous local business establishments. However, when it comes to spending HOA money, are they loyal to local business, or even Brevard County? Not on your hard drive. A local internet provider is located on U.S. #1 just south of the Flea Market, yet the HOA has the hypocritical audacity to purchase website space from a California company 3,000 miles away (see graphic below under IP Location)! WWW.PSJHOA.ORG