Conservative PSJ.US: Can't Join the PSJ HOA

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Where people come before trees, animals and incorporation.

Why You Cannot Join the PSJ HOA

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November 2004 PSJHOA Meeting Notes

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Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! The PSJHOA is no longer around! Three cheers! They decided at the March 14, 2005 meeting to dissolve the organization, as you can read for yourselves in their newsletter, above. So there is no more PSJHOA to have a Treasurer who scratches, pushes, hits and shoves. No more closed, locked door meetings with the President spending ninety minutes slandering the two people who happen to shine the light of truth on things the organization was doing. No more meetings where business is conducted without a quorum, the minimum number being 21 people out of 120 members (read it in their own newsletter, folks, I didn't make this up). No more scare tactics from that organization on everything from septic tanks to desalination plants to the Willow Creek development. So far, at least. I am checking the Florida Division of Corporations website (link on my government page) as I write this to make sure that they aren't forming under a different name with about the same set of people: nothing yet. But that doesn't mean it isn't coming. I trust some of these people about as much as I can stand to hear them speak: which is about a single syllable. So I'm going to keep watching. There's something brewing with a certain polivist: she's trying to stack the decks again. She's trying to get like-minded people on the PSJ Advisory Board and I'm trying to shut that Board down. All kinds of fun!

Meetings were held at 7 PM at the PSJ Library the second Tuesday of every month.

I can't help but add something here. I have been through the mill with this organization. Its current leadership has illegally kicked me out of the organization (but I am currently back in); slandered me in public; done everything in its powers to keep me out of the organization's meetings (including closing and locking the library's meeting room doors which is against library policy and physically assaulting four people -- I have the picture of where the Treasurer drew blood on one of her victims); and the president refused to sign my hand written receipt for my payment of dues! I have posted a page about the November 2004 meeting and its fun, but if you don't like the sound of this and you don't want this kind of thing happening to others, then join this organization, get good people back into it and make it what it should be; or disolve it completely. This would prevent these kinds of things from happening to anyone else; maybe even you. It's your choice. Join and decide what you think should happen to an organization that would do these kinds of things without remorse.

It was only $10 per year for a husband and wife to each get a vote, and I think it's worth it to keep an eye on things.

Even if you live in Williams Point, Hardeeville, Delespine or Frontenac, come to the meetings. They are your best way to keep informed. You can't vote, but you can speak. That will keep you from getting stepped on in the future. Please come. Please join.

Remember, it is your future. Stand up for what you want to happen to PSJ's future. If you don't speak out, maybe we'll miss out on a good idea, or maybe something will happen we will all regret because you were the only one who thought of the thing none of the rest of us did. You could have changed the course of PSJ, but you didn't attend and you didn't speak. Please, join the PSJ HOA. It's for all of us.

You don't actually have to own the house you live in, and you don't have to be a full time resident of PSJ if you do own the house; Snowbirds welcome. Even if you just attend the meetings without joining, you can see what we are up to, where we want PSJ to go, and whether you agree with the plans we have. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of next month at 7 PM at the PSJ Library. Come check it out.

3rd Quarter, 2004

2nd Quarter, 2004

1st Quarter, 2004

4th Quarter, 2003

3rd Quarter, 2003

2nd Quarter, 2003

1st Quarter, 2003

4th Quarter, 2002

This page last updated Jan. 4, 2005. © 2003, 2004 Linda McKinney. All rights reserved